Help - Brake Problems. As I apply the brakes the pads do not grab right away.

No problem. Thanks for chiming in.

LOL. Yep, that’s me. I’m not a danger so no need to worry. The “bad” brakes are manageable. Heck, right now the car probably stops like the average car on the road. Thankfully a lot more is expected from my brake set-up. :slight_smile:

when you say it is the abs module, i assume you mean the electrical side that bolts to and controls the pump? if so, they are semi-common.

you can unbolt them from the pump and change them w/o removing the pump/braking loose a brake line. it is tricky, but doable. problem is they are so sensitive that if you jostle them the wrong way you can break them. they are that sensitive.

i’d probably buy used in this instance unless you have a parts hook up and can get shit for cost as these are pretty expensive. added bonus of used is the warranty as new electrical parts generally dont have one.

I’m thinking the pump itself is bad and the electrical side is ok. However, I don’t know for sure. It probably makes sense to buy the complete module vs. just buying the pump. Rebuild units are roughly $250-$300. Good times.

I would think this problem should have thrown a code or something but all the VAG-COM scans show nothing.

assuming you have stability control, maroneys has 2 used pump assemblies for 100 a piece. it will be the pump w/ the module still bolted on the side.

no one local has one w/o stability control.

Very cool. I will head to Maroney’s tomorrow morning and buy one, if not both. Thanks again for the help!

do’nt buy both… i could end up needing one :kekegay:


I only bought one. :slight_smile:
I hope it works.

The new unit did not solve the problem. The search continues.

The new unit did not solve the problem. The search continues.

did you have to push the calipers in when you put brakes on? front, rear or both? sometimes a collapsed brake hose can do similar things…

I have no problem pushing the pistons in by hand when swapping out the pads.

front and rear?


I haven’t touched the rear brakes in a year so. The rears look fine from what I can tell based on the 3 bleeds I’ve done in the last week.

interesting… i hate brakes!