Brake Issues

Heres the prob. When driving the car, pedal feels really loose and I have to press it all the way down for the car to start slowing down. When it does slow down, it takes more distence to stop. When in park (car running), and I press pedal all the way down RPM’s gluctuate a bit same when i release it.

maybe needs bleeding…maybe master cylinder is going…get it fixed RIGHT AWAY…very dangerous

Yeah I intend to. I’m not going to drive it like that anyways. I thought it might need bleeding I’ll check it out

i think its your brake booster

that happened to me too, it was my mastercylinder, it also happened to titan and the fluctuating RPM’s also occured.

Refer to your FSM dude.
If it turns out to be your Master I got one for sale.

yeah im gonna try bleeding them then i’ll go from there.

Jason do you have ABS if so bleed the ABS Distribution Unit.

That’s all I had to do to solve the same problem your having, if not you need a new master.

No ABS. But i was talking to my dad and he says that if there is air in the system, I only have to bleed one caliper from the rear. Now the FSM says to bleed in a certain order (left rear, right rear, left front and right front). But im not sure if i have to do all of them. I usually try not to listen to my dad about car stuff lol, but im a bit confused.

Its recomended that you do it in that order.
Its not needed, but if your going to bled them take the time and do it properly.
Brakes are one think I dont fudge around with.

have you checked the brake MC if it’s leaking? if it’s not leaking from the engine bay, it may be leaking into the cabin floor… press your hand on the driver’s side carpet to check for brake fluid. if you are absolutely sure there’s no leakage, it’s prolly your calipers. i had the EXACT GODDAMN problem ever since last friday… i’ved asked my mechanic to solve this problem and he mentioned that brake boosters never needs replacing. with that said, i don’t think your booster is likely the cause.

i fixed it by bleeding the brake system. when i was bleeding the right rear caliper, there were mounds of bubbles spewing out with the brake fluid (be sure when you are bleeding brakes, attach a transparent hose onto the bleeder so you can see the bubbles). none of the other one’s were doing that. my friend (a mechanic) advised, when calipers get old, the seals wear out and causes the brake piston to sieze OR suck and trap air into the brake system. shortly after i bleed all my calipers, my brakes were back to normal. thank god… i need to replace the caliper still, the pressure is decreasing little by little again

I’m certain theres no leaks from the MC, the level in the resevoir isn’t moving
(decreasing). I gotta find some time and a nice sort of warm day and bleed the calipers. I wouldn’t screw around with the booster or MC until i knew that bleeding the brakes doesn’t solve the problem.

i’m gonna be replacing both my rear calipers on tuesday, if you wanna come by, i can help you with bleeding

Thanks dude nice gesture. But i gotta work, and Xmas island is a bit far from my house. (JK, where are you really located?)

alrighty yo… i’m in north york actually