Like the title says, I’m replacing my alternator, and am in need of the pulley puller. If anyone has one I can borrow/can remove this for me let me know. Thanks in advance…
Everything okay with the car dude?
Wouldn’t just a universal 2 prong puller work for this or is there something in the way on the alternator that would render a universal one useless and need a VW tool for the job?
I used a large 3 jaw and it worked fine.
A puller won’t work if this has the freewheeling pulley setup.
The new alt doesn’t already have a new pulley on it?
No it doesn’t. And its the freewheeling type so its a special puller apparently.
This is what you need:–1.8T/Search/Alternator/ES419/
So i had my friend go to the same autozone i went to to grab me the alternator, and the guy came out with one with a pulley on it. Problem solved.