help me buy my first computer (laptop)

hi, my mom just got a big promotion at work and she is giving me $500 for a laptop for college, im putting $300 twords it. heres the question, if you had ~$800 to buy a laptop, what would you buy? thanks alot for your help, i dont want to run into this blind and regret my decision later.

I’d buy the one thats on sale at wal-mart this week for $399 and bank the rest of the money your mom is giving you ;).

It will go on sale nov 5th,its a compaq.Not too bad of a laptop for that price.

2nd one down


+1 on dell

If you’re looking for a basic laptop to get through college, or do basic documents and such, that would do the trick easily.

first things first, what exactly do you plan on using the laptop for? basic college stuff? (typing, internet, music)

i just saw a couple of new laptops from dell with Core2 Duo and Vista… all that you’d need, i’d imagine… pretty damned cheap too :slight_smile:

If you play games, make sure to check the stats on the video. i didnt look further, just saw it earlier

first off, thanks for all the responses, i dont know too much about computers but i know some basic stuff to get me by. i was under the impression that a dell was an inferior laptop? would a sony or a toshiba be of higher quality? im also planning on spending the entire $800 because its going to be a christmas gift too, so im never going to be able to see the 500 to bank it,

also i just started college and want to get something that will last me at least most of the 4 years.

im planning on putting music on it (not downloading though) word proccessing and besides school the only thing i would use it for is surfing the web.

i used to play games dating back to the first diablo but with working 20+ hours a week, being a full time student and having a gf i dont have time to play games anymore, so the quality of the video card or whatever else you would need to play games isnt much of a concern to me.

thanks again for your guys’ time,

Dell Inspiron 6000

Dell 4TW :tup:

Wait until dell does the black friday deals with a vista coupon…

You can probably get a nice one for under 500 bucks. I’m waiting for one myself.