Help Me Decide The BBQ Food!

Ok, so there are a few different things that i can do for the BBQ. Of course it will be picnic food, and not a 5 star black tie affair, but I do like people to be happy and fed soo… Here are the simplest choices that I can make from the ground up. As most of you know, i dont just buy processed shit, so the beef will be fresh ground, and the pork would be home smoked and roasted, chicken well seasoned, pounded, and not dry like most peoples dads probably served them gross… etc…

I have one little thing that I am going to make regardless, so if anyone has one of those turkey fryers, I need a portable deep fry system. PM me.

Vegans achmNewman*, I will get whatever it is that you require, just pm me.

So pick some things, I will take the top 3, or i will be at least a little influenced by this or something. Then whatever the main foods are i will draw up sides and such to fit with it.

pulled pork is the shiznat. do it up dude.


Just do burgers and dogs…easy cheap and kwik.

i may be able to get you a deep fryer.

burgers and dogs!

for vegans portabella burgers (cream in the pants omg good) with a nice red pepper vinegarette

sahlens hot dogs, burger (seasoned with a little bit of montreal seasoning, if you would like) and step it up another notch with some baby back ribs… not as expensive as you think (you see black people doing it all the time so they must be affordable) if you do it all your self… but they can be a process…

with that said your also gonna need some sides… beans (bushes works wonders, DON’T DO THE BBQ beans unless you have a BBQ item), a german or american potato salad (american since its cold, cold items are nice for a picnic dude to the ease of transport and not needing to heat up again), a cold pasta salad and a normal out of the bag salad…

vegans dont belong @ a BBQ… ( sorry newman )

portabellas you can get like 5 full ones for like 3 or 4 bucks… and they are easy as hell to prepare, oh and slice them up nice and thin… with some garlic kosher salt, black pepper and a little white wine… will turn your burger into a rock hard boner

and if you need and help, suggestions or questions tpgsr. I run/ manage a catering business. I’d be happy to help out with anything you needed … i know a good hand ful of people on here… so more power to you getting them some good food

where do you cook mr blacke36, or are you just a home kitchen guru?

Mostly good ideas, but i only really use salt and pepper on the burgers, unless i am doing something like a fresh cajun burger with diced up veggies in it and such.

oh, and ribs are expensive… they use some cheapy shit that you get, not good ribs at all

Tee-up to the fuck cook!

I voted pulled pork

pr0k = mad cheap too

Pulled Pork and Grilled Chicken!!

I vote pulled pork and burgers, and those potatos you had at carlisle yum!

should be a good road trip, havent been the letchworth in a long time

beer and I’ll be happy :smiley:

[QUOTE=blacke36](you see black people doing it all the time so they must be affordable)QUOTE]

are you serious right now?

listen foreskin I have nothing against you either but its getting out of control, relax stop going through every post just to try and talk shit to dan.
BTW are you a paying advertiser? Also can you spell “INTERESTED” before expecting someone to buy a house from you?
sorry to go off topic for a second.

anyways pulled pork/grillen chicken sounds awesome
then again hot dogs/burgers would work too.
for sides, why not corn on the cob?
soak it the night before and then grill it the next day.

ooo, +1 for grilled corn on the cob!!

Blood tongue and head cheese samiches!

morning star veggie dogs, yummm, chicken and burgers also good, sausage is best if gotten from Niagara produce.