HELP ME! LOCATE A MOTOR... where to find streetbike motor's?

99-02 kawasaki zx6r… i called everywhere… that i can think of…[2 places]… i have my bike tore apart… i just wanna slap another drop in motor since mine died@5500 miles…

and summer’s almost over so i need a motor!!!

basically where should i look? ebay’s 800-1000$… for a motor with 9k…

[slowcamaro]put a ls1 in it[/slowcamaro]

doug try here
from pgh

this is where quik post at.


cycle recylers there near swickly good guys! they will have it!

i called them 2 times… [weeks apart] and they said no :frowning:

talk to quik he knows a few places

call huffmans,he buy lots of bikes for someone!

good call… i remember seeing 15 bikes on his car hauler one time…

and is quik on this board? IF SO PM ME THESE places slow’s speaking of! :bigthumb:

DONT GET JUNK FROM CYCLE RECYCLERS. your best bet would be ebay or try a place down youngwood called RoadRash. he used to have a shop but is dealing out of his house now. He was down at thunder in burgh. motors arnt cheap, sometimes you can get a deal but other times youll pay. talking aobut motors i just seen my new motor with 233miles for 1500 bucks. that would make one sick ass go cart. what is exactly wrong with the motor? if the block or pistons arnt messed up it may be cheaper to rebuild that one. get a good manual and rebuildign it shouldnt be more then a few hours worth of work. I tore mine apart many times. also try different sites and check their classifieds.

^^ Lurker!

There is a place that deals with streetbikes - wrecked/rebuilt/parts, etc up my way here. I used to hang out with them quite a bit. I’ll get the number for the shop ASAP. It’s called Callahan Motorsports in Rochester.

(724) 775-5882

Ask for Pat. Tell him Johnny P referred you… hope he has what you need

im 99 percent sure it spun a bearing and then locked… i just wanna slap another motor in my bike and sell it and buy a 750-up…

i find motor’s on ebay alot for 800-1000 shipped. just don t trust ebay sometimes…

whats wrong with cycle recycler’s… bad reps?

calling!! :blue: