Help me out with a couple questions.

So seeing as I’m 16 taking drivers ed is the thing to do.
This morning we were going over the car which is an '09 Pontiac Vibe and some questions were brought up.

So the first question is does anyone know where the power steering fluid goes?

Second, I know there are different types of windshield washing fluids (taken from wikipedia “Several types of fluids are available on the market such as ready-made fluid, which is used ‘neat’ or as-is and sachet of crystals, which is also diluted with water. Anti-freeze, or methylated spirits, may be added to a mixture to give the product a lower freezing temperature. But, methanol is harmful when breathed in, so more popular now is an ethanol winter mix, e.g. PAV, water, ethanol (or isopropanol), and ethylene glycol”) Are these different types mixable or no?

Kind of stupid questions but thanks in advance for the help.

power steering look for a yellow cap … I think

I also think its a “drive by wire system” and I dont think it has fluid

again im talking out of my ass

Drive by wire in a Pontiac Vibe?? I didn’t think that tech had filtered down that far.

Living here in Buffalo, just throw the blue goo stuff into the car that you get at all of the gas stations. That’s all you need. You don’t need to be mixing anything.


Found this:

Steering control is augmented with an electric power steering system, providing variable-effort performance and (because there is no engine-driven power steering pump) enhanced fuel economy.

Guess it is drive by wire.

i know that, but as an assignment as per the instructor he told us to try and find out if it is mixable or not, hence why i asked.

If I had to guess, I’d say they’re not mixable but I’m not a chemsitry honk.

Windshield washer fluid is mixable. The orange Rain X stuff IMO is the best stuff out there.

Power-steering - Look for the cap that says power steering, or look in your owners manual for the location.

What doesn’t mix is Anti-freeze; orange must stay orange, green must stay with green. They will FUBAR your motor if you mix them.

power steering fluid goes in the cap marked OIL

found the answer to the power steering fluid question.
the car is equipped with an electric power steering system which means no fluid.

still trying to find a source to use for the windshield washing fluid question though.

YEA I was right for once

You mean the 710 cap right?

Individual windshield washer companies are probably going to say they are not mixable, but they are. The car will not burst into flames if mixed.

this would be right.
had to go out to do a little running around so i stopped and asked AndyB and got the same answer.


and with that mods can close this down if they want to, i found all the information i need.

Uhh, yea, ok. Go to a parts store and take a good look at the coolant they sell there - note that most of them say you can mix them with orange AND/OR Green.

Shortening the lifespan of the fluid to 30k miles is HARDLY Fucking Up Your engine Beyond All Recognition.

When ELC first came out there were problems mixing it with conventional coolant. It would turn into a gelatinous substance. The problem was fixed shortly thereafter.

Thats true, but that was what, about 15 yrs ago now? It has long been addressed, and I really HOPE that there are no OEM filled Dexcool cars STILL out there.

I only use the orange rain-x. I suggest you do the same

I was refering to Southtown’s point… never did the research into if they fixed that problem or not. Just always kept orange coolant with orange, and green with green.

The pre-mixed/pre-watered down stuff they sell now a days is universal, you are correct; unless you still buy the stuff you need to mix with water.

Anyone buying premixed is an idiot. Sorry. And, the “unmixed” stuff is universal as well. Srsly, go to a parts store. Or prolly even a hardware / big box store with an automotive isle.