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Oh, and spraying 70* water on a frozen windshield will probably just make the ice thicker. Get much hotter and thermal expansion could crack your windshield.


I’ve poured water from a coffee machine on my windshield when there was 1/4" of ice on it, and it didn’t crack.

5 years working at schitts garage
5 winters of frozen customer cars
5 winters worth of deiceing cars with a hose hooked straight to the hot water tank
5 years of NOT cracking windsheilds
thats at least 1000 cars, so assuming windsheild #1001 would have cracked, the math works out to you having less then .01% chance of cracking your windsheild while using scaulding hot water in garden hose type quantities

now on the other hand, dumping ice water on a HOT windsheild, thats when u need a pyrex windsheild


5 years working at schitts garage
5 winters of frozen customer cars
5 winters worth of deiceing cars with a hose hooked straight to the hot water tank
5 years of NOT cracking windsheilds
thats at least 1000 cars, so assuming windsheild #1001 would have cracked, the math works out to you having less then .01% chance of cracking your windsheild while using scaulding hot water in garden hose type quantities

now on the other hand, dumping ice water on a HOT windsheild, thats when u need a pyrex windsheild


they did taht at delacy and at towne ford as well so + 1 for hot water not doing anything other tan melting ice.

hats what im guessing

I know a kid who seriously BOILED water and poured it onto his frozen windshield… No cracks…

incorporate an open flame somehow… for safety points.

I think im going to do this in some free time… That, and boost my sprayer motor up to like 20v to get some pressure behind the thing… BWAHAHH!


Viper966. Do you think the cooper tubing from my exhaust would get hot enough to melt the rubber hoses its wrapped around.


Sweet, I’ve always wanted a copper exhaust.

i could always put a pilot light right near the nozzle sprays and just put gasoline or lighter fluid in the res. tank


i had thought of using the coolant but my idea wa smore complicated. i was going to tap a coolant hose and run that line through a hole i would make at the bottom of the res. tank. seal it all up and tap that line back in. the hot tapped line would give off heat and it would be in the res tank. but it would suck if there was a leak.

where would you buy a small heat exchanger though?


It might work great after the cars heated up (coolent hot) but that’s what defrosters are for. A stone cold car is when you need them the most & the coolent would be too cold. I’d rather scrape a bit or install an automatic car starter and turn defrosters on.
On the other hand, the buick idea with the electric heating coil would work.

I use hot tap water all the time with no problem.
The other nice thing about hot tap water is, it heats up the wipers too.:slight_smile: