mike at innovate says i have a vacuum leak which now i know i do i want help finding that out and my car does not sound right at all wot. feels like the turbo is maxing out at 5k
You can use a bernzomatic torch along with a length of small vaccuum tubing. The propane will increase the engine RPMs once you find the leak
check stupid shit like hoses going into intake mani and intake related parts
and j n j ur an ass dont fuck up peoples threads
its a t3 turbo on a b18 block sorry for being vauge about it
Midge, his post was a hell of a lot more helpful than yours, for the record.
You might be able to find a shop with a smoke machine that will find any vacuum leaks.
Smoke machines are the stuff! But, I’ve found leaks with the propane (that for some reason someone thinks it’ll fuck a car up):gotme:
Also, Throttlebody cleaner spray works too.
If u have a lopey cam, it makes it kind of a pain. Also, if u can have someone watch ur tach or if u can hook up a remote one to see while workin, thats helps.
The torch is for propance control… not heat.
Do not ignite the propane… thought this was obvious.
ya use the propane and just check all hoses and clamp watever ones u can to ensure no leaks
i think i found it i narrowed it down to the charcoal can deal aka “black box” and the iacv. thanks guys but i would need some help on the propne trick.
you can pressurize your system if you plug your tailpipe and run compressed air into the motor and spray soppy water around connections. This is of course without the engine running
Basically the concept is you spraying a small amount of propane around the suspected area. If there is a vacuum leak, the propane will be sucked by the vacuum resulting in a slight raise in the idle.
You don’t light the torch, and likewise don’t use it for long periods at a time. Just open for a few seconds, if nothing happens turn it off give it a bit to clear out. Move to the next spot, repeat.