Lift the rad cap and see how often bubbles come up when you are revving it. You’ll tell right away if the headgasket is blowing through… It happened to stefan and myself in the middle of bloody Denmark…
It was concluded that the headgasket wasn’t sealed right due to lack of getting head machined… Shitty buzz.
2" highflow copper rad and 2 electric fans…even witht he bumper off it does it…if it was rad related it would do it once warmed up sitting at idle.
as for air pockets…cant be, the turbo water lines i made have 1 way bleeders that when cracked open, let air/coolant out and nothing in…we use them in hydrolic sytsems. I ran the motor for 30min on jacks at the front to make sure the rad was the highest point with those bleeders open.
havent reved the motor past 5000rpm, stock pullies.