help picking paint!!1

im open to any suggestions, that toyota color is very nice, any other ideas

:tdown: to harnesses in a non rollcaged car…

ssshhhh…paint talk…

flamenco black pearl
honda fac. color

:mamoru:shhh sorry net nanny

OP what about Subaru’s Obsidian black pearl? Decent greenish/blueish flakes

just came across this color:

lexus java black

java black was from subaru i thought?

subaru also has a java black, idk if they are the same, but the lexus one looks very rich

it also comes on range rovers

that car you linked me to in that post he says its the subaru java black pearl, took me 9 pages of reading to finally find it haha

oh lol, some tard said 'you should keep it lexus, use java black" idk lol, either way i believe its the same color. whatever he used on his car looks very good
i wish my door jams were black, id def rock a purple teg lol

is that the Midnight purple III

yes that is, and even with my car being black i could never paint my car that different of a color

its a nice color but ill get a picture of my paint in my room.
black w/ gold/blue flakes.