I was driving about 65 kpr when BOTH rear wheels locked up and my car spun out, at first i thought it was a flat tire but when i got out i saw 2 skid marks from the rear tires on the ground and when I tried to moved it the rear tires would not move at all :(, i tried to put it in neutral and push it but the tires where locked up! I had to resort to reversing hard then jamming it into first and then it kind of “grinded” to a side street… WHAT COULD THIS BE?!

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Location: City, Province
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sounds like your diff my have blown up.

this is a 240 i assume? any modifications? welded diff would be key here for an explanation.

yea its a 91 s13… how much would that usually cost to fix? thanks for the quick response!

(no mods)

another LSD would probably be $100-150, plus install. an open diff from an 89-90 you should be able to get for free-$40. but i obviously can’t say it’s the diff for sure since i haven’t seen the car… that’s just what it sounds like to me.

Ya don’t get an open diff. Thats definately what it sounds like though. Take her to a local reliable shop, doesnt sound like you know how to do that kinda work yourself. Its ok though man, not the end of the world, she will be back up and going in no time.

have you checked to make sure your e-brake isn`t gone to it might have broke and got cuaght on something and pulled tight

Im pretty sure its the diff b/c when its been making some fucked up noises for the last few weeks. and while i wa

*was holding up traffic, some guy pulled over, he said that he was a mechanic and checked out my car, he told me hes almost certian thats what is was… where do your think i could find a dif? for that price ill pick it up today.

you can either search here for one by making a WTB thread or going to a junkyard and pulling of a j30 diff

search for pantaloon on son,i belive he has a vlsd.
not 100% sure if he does, im sure varun(sliperysilvia) s13junkyard and a few other people have jdm vlsd’s and what not.

good luck with the install, if you want to save your self a few bucks you should try putting the diff in yourself its not too hard and about 22 bolts. all 12mm 14mm 17mm.
but make sure you take your time.

got a mint one

can even install for the right price