Help recommend a car for my brother.

butler. pa. holy shit thats far from you guys. should have asked me to go look at it for you

does he want to sell it? I’m looking for an inexpensive car to play around with this summer

so much for getting a reliable car

Hope he loves gas stations 15mpg :tup:

my mom bought a brand new CRV and will be selling her white 97 ford taurus with 39k on it in a few weeks… it was my great aunts before hers and the thing is mint. to bad it’s a taurus.

liz just got herself some V-TEC y0!

OMG Jam we gonna take out our mom mobiles and do donuts togethers?

she wont let me drive it :frowning:

oh forgot to mention the taurus has no options. like none. pwer windows and thats it. no cruise, powerlocks, not even a tape player. but it is a really solid running car…

lmk if you’re interested. like i said it wont be for sale for a few weeks

Whaaat? After I drifted my mom mobile, Susan saw the wheels packed with snow and said she was doing the same thing earlier after she had gone to the store. That’s why the toilet paper is all deformed now. Thanks a lot, Susan.