Another recommend me a car thread...

The time has come to start the hunt for a new vehicle…

Only Requirements
Less than $18k
Less than $200 a month for insurance(18, clean record, can be in parents name)
All Year DD
Something that has some power

What I would like:
Less than 50k miles, I will look at higher mileage cars with good maintenance history(reciepts etc.) and not a ton of owners.

What would be nice:
Leather Seats
Premium Sound
25mpg+ highway
4 door

I think that covers most of the areas that need to be…

I have thought about(in this order) Evos, STI’s, TL’s, Accords, Elements, GTI’s

Any other ideas or things to consider?

How about a legacy GT, (aka the car you ran at my place) he paid 13k, leather, heated seats, Turbo all wheel drive. when he (the owner) quoted insurance (19, lives at home on parents insurance) the legacy was almost half that of the STI he was looking at.

PS. if your going to stay in the VW family go TDI or else pony up and get an Audi.

I’m a huge fan of the legacy GT, solid DD and super fun.

Mike, I want a rematch. New tires and my o2 sensor which I’m getting Monday should make a difference, no digs tho :slight_smile:

half (or third [or quarter]) your budget and thank your self in 5 years.

edit: put the insurance in your own name too.

Audi A4.

youre 18, get an element

I would like to check out one of the GT Legacys after seeing one in person.
Audi A4, possibly. I do like Euro’s and this would be similar to my jetta just much nicer.
I have driven an element and it was just okay. Nothing really enjoyablee about it but had some nice features.

---------- Post added at 02:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:36 PM ----------

I would like to check out one of the GT Legacys after seeing one in person.
Audi A4, possibly. I do like Euro’s and this would be similar to my jetta just much nicer.
I have driven an element and it was just okay. Nothing really enjoyablee about it but had some nice features.

You can drive an element. Some are awd for winter.

You can also camp in one. Or bang in one. Pull it up to an outdoor party and you have a portable mp3 player and the tailgate is a bench

if you go to the beach or get it muddy inside you can litterally hose it out

idk, when I was 18 I would have loved one

I don’t reccomend an Audi at 18 unless you somehow make bigboy $ or are an Audi tech

Option 1: Since your already in the Vdub game and reliability and maintence costs are not a concern look for an S4, I can’t imagine insurance being much more than a LGT, especially under the rentals policy. It has the speed and fun of a Subie or Evo but much more refined, when its not getting new turbos or electronics fixed.

Optino 2: Since you are asking…what I think you should really be looking at if you strictly want a daily is either a current gen Si, an RSX, a GTI, or buy something new with a warranty like the fiesta, which isn’t quick but would be practical and quite a bit of fun without the worry of unexpected break downs.

Option 3: Split the availble money and get a sensible daily and something fun for the nice weather. This way you are compromising the least between comfort, reliability, and panty dropping effect. Examples: mid 90s corolla or civic for a daily, and a e36 m3, a swapped 240, or an fd, or a turbo miata, there are endless combinations going this route.

You just recommended him to get an S4 as a DD…lmao.

I got tired of fixing cars and keeping them clean, I bought myself a Chevy Prizm with 110k on the clock and it has been the most fun and reliable car I’ve yet to own, gets 44mpg, 5spd, 4 door and has a toyota motor so you don’t have GM shit parts on it.

Oh yeah, cost me $2,000 and I don’t have a car payment anymore. I love it.

You’ll thank yourself in a few years, save your money and buy something nice when you can afford it on your own.

I feel bad for you if a prism is the most fun car that you have owned.

Most sensible post in here, which is why it won’t fly. :ham: Though Jam’s idea also genius with driving it to the beach -> making it the center of the party -> banging in it -> hosing it out, though elements don’t impress kids on the internet.

So you’re 18. What are you doing over the next 4 years? If you say anything even remotely close to only going to school part time so that you can make this car payment I will punch my monitor so hard that you will get a nose bleed. :slight_smile: This includes having to work while in school so that you can make a car payment.

Holy shit this is my old jeep! Buy this…


A fun summer car

These two cars covered everything except the turbo.

I love Fry’s order of operation, beach, bang, then hose out. LoL

You know how much fun it is to have a car that you completely do not care about, has scratches and dents, yet runs like it’s brand new? Hell, even if you redline the motor in every single gear, it still gets 40mpg. HELL, even better…I can go to school full-time and NOT have to worry about paying off a car just to be sweet, or having uber expensive car insurance.

I have a motorcycle to have fun, cars suck IMO.

Instead of working to pay for some shitty 18K car, buy a <$3K car and finish school 6 months early. Then you will have saved ~$3500+ in interested on a 18K loan + taxes + cheaper insurance and gained at least 20K of a bachelor salary.

But how cool is that?

I recommended it more so to crack fun at the fact that he wants all the cool shit yet doesn’t care about maintenance or repair costs.

I like the the idea of beach bang hose. The element is practical I just don’t like how it looks.

The A4 would be nice but I have learned already from Vag products, when something goes wrong, if you can’t fix it yourself expect to pay out the ass.

I like the idea of a DD and a weekend car. I just don’t want two payments and two insurance payments.

I would like something reliable, I thought I implied that with an all year DD, I would rather spend extra money on a reliable car than buy something cheaper and have to put a ton of money into it as things break.

So I have ruled out the STi/Evo for now, insurance/maintenance is too much of a burden. I would rather pass on the Aufdi/VW.

As far as what I will be doing the next 4 years, school at UB full time which is already taken care of, I plan on opening my own business within the next 2 years. Whatever I buy would have to be solid for the next 5 years.

Edit: $18,000 is the max, I have no problem with something much cheaper as long as I can drive it year round and has some of the features I prefer.

If you are doing all that you should definitely get something cheap and reliable. You will have enough other shit to worry about, which means not as much time to have fun with your car, so you don’t need a fast fun car, and that you will not want to worry about having to fix or pay to have someone fix your ride all the time.
My vote, use 7-8k OR LESS and buy something reliable, and put away the rest of the money you would have spent on a more expensive car and before you know it you will have enough cash to buy a sweet weekend car.

College is the best time of your life. Study, drink, bang slores, repeat for 4 years. Dude, seriously. Wallow in the total lack of responsibility. Don’t ruin it with a car payment. This is the one time in your life when you can drive a beater, drink keystone, eat ramen, and still pull ass.