Help Rstuning find a location

Hello Son members.

 As some of you may have heard I left Pur Auto about 2 months ago.  And during this time I have been in the process of purchasing shop equipment and looking for a unit.   If you could please help me out as to any units you may have seen up for lease and I will happily reward the member that gives me a good lead. 

Also I will put a poll up too see where you would like to see me open shop.

I am also open to suggestions.

Thank you.

Radek, check kijiji in the commercial real estate section. Lots of shops going under and selling off equipment and space. Good chance to get into something semi-setup that has the right M zoning

sublease space out of IAC in Woodbridge… :slight_smile:

Dan and I can hook you up. htey have over 20,000 sq ft and a lot of it is vacant

I also have a friend in Georgetown who opened up a shop and might have some space to sublet.

You could cut overhead and adminstrative costs MASSIVELY by subbing in for a couple years until you biuld a client base.