Help: Underdrive pulley install for z32 300zx

I need help taking off the crank nut and was wondering if anyone can help me out with that? i have tried breaker bar with hammer and it didnt work. if anyone can come by for an hr or less or if you have free time to help me out it would be appreciated. I can offer some cash. I just need my car running and since its apart i might as well install the underdrive pulley.

Impact gun works awsome.

anyone have one that is willing to help me turn 173 pounds lol

Put the car in 5th gear with the rear wheels on the ground. It will help.

i have already. i used a breaker bar + mallet and it does not move i need a compressor/airtool to do this. is there anyone with a air tool that can do up to 175lbs.

I hate to tell you this… But under drive pulleys do next to nothing. They do however cause harmonics problems that lead to engine failure. IMO you shouldn’t even install them.

That is untrue on both counts for Z32s. The gains are proven, and there have been no occurances of a VG30 (not the VG30DETT anyway… ) failure related to an underdrive pulley.

BMW inline 6’s have problems with these U/D pulleys but not the Nissan V6s.

A lot of Nissan motors are internally balanced anyway, which is why we don’t have harmonic balancers from the factory.

I have an impact gun rated at 700 FT/Lbs., but if you’re looking to possibly buy one, hit up Princess Auto. They have one there that retails for around $90 and will prove invaluable! :smiley: