HELP! valve cover bolt broken off inside head
i removed the valve cover to remove the upper timing chain tensioner. as i was re installing the valve cover bolts the #10 bolt in the diagram above snapped in half. this bolt had 4 washers on it for some reason. has anyone ever removed this bolt and had the washers on it also? it was a lock washer and 3 other washers under it, 2 of the same size in the middle with a slightly llarger one on the bottom. does anyone happen to have one of these lying around or know if nissan parts can order me one? my car will be out of commission until i get this replaced.

picky no worky

if all the other ones are tight why are you not gonna drive your car over one tiny bolt its not gonna do anything

yea… tighten all of them a little more than usual and uu should be alright… just make sure it doesnt leak oil

You can tighen the rest of the bolts all you want… it will STILL leak in the spot with the broken bolt. Take the car to a shop and have them removed the broken stud and replace it… unless you like oil leaking down the side of your engine that is.

you can get extractor kits from crappy tire for pennies.

and how much of the bolt is snapped inside? if you got a decent amount of thread out just shave a mm or two off the end of the piece that came out and bolt it back in.

I have a bigger problem I snapped an exhaust manifold stud on my b16 :frowning:

the only way to get to it with a drill is to pull the motor, hopefully I can move it up a few inches with only taking off the motor mounts.

Here is what you are going to do.

  1. Take the valve cover back off the engine.
  2. You will now see the broken threaded portion of the bolt sticking out of the head, as you said it had washers on it so it should stick out quite a bit.
  3. Take a pair of vice grips and snap them onto the broken bolt.
  4. Turn out, get a new bolt and enjoy.

Just ziptie it :rolleyes:

Seriously, one of my front bolts #9 actually kept spinning because the
threads were stripped (not sure why).

It didn’t do shit. (IBcommentsaboutmyKAcrapingoutbecauseofbolt :squintnono: )

take it to a shop. if they try an easy out and it does not work they will helicoil it. should probably cost no more than 100 if they have to do that.