Need Help NOW please

Ok I had found out that I had a oil seep around my valve cover so I went out today to fix the problem. I took the valve cover off and started to work on the bolt hole so I could rethread them. When I was doing this with a liqued rethread product I had to insert a bolt in to the hole so that a thread could be made. As I inserted the bolt it slipped out of my hand and went into the engine. I saw it go down the same path that the timing chain travels. I took a mag light and looked down and cannot see the bolt anywhere! Can someone please tell me where the bolt would have feel into and what I am going to have to do to get it back. Is this somthing where its falling like into the oil pan and I can easily get it out or am I going to have to be carefull. I have not turned the engine over and have no plans to do so untill its out. Someone please help me out quickly here.

Common I need some ideas here, I already have tried using a telescopic magnet to get down there but no bolt.

It could be in the oil pan, or it could have gotten caught anywhere in between the top and the pan.

Either way, you will have to take off the oil pan to get it out.

Well if its in the oil pan then I am not going to be worried about it and just leave it for now. I did a very very close check and the bolt dose not seem to be stuck anywhere along the chain itself of near it. So my course of action will be to pull the coil plug, turn the engine over a few times to make sure its not stuck and then see what happens.


Find the bolt first.

Wow fcuk don’t crank the engine over what are you nuts?

Dude pull off your front timing cover.

It’s a bit time consuming but it takes about 1/10 the time then doing an engine swap.

Go to princess auto or canadian tire or siht even rig up one of your own magnet
on the end of a string or on the end of a long stick and see if you can fish it out.

Like I already said I bought a telescopic magnet and have already fished around and found nothing for almost a hour so its obviously not near the timing chain. As for taking the front timing cover off I want to make sure I do that right so what would I do to take it off. Remember this is a SOHC.

Find the bolt before you crank it over or risk severe engine damage. Just because you didn’t find it yet with you telescopic magnet, doesn’t mean it’s somewhere where it can be left in a running motor. Personally I wouldn’t leave it even if I knew 100% fro sure that it was in the oil pan… eventually it will come back and bite you in the ass.

The way I see it you have two choices. Pull the timing cover, or the oil pan. If you think it’s more likely in the oil pan, try it first. My guess is that it’s more likely in the timing cover somewhere, possibly wedged just enough that your magnet won’t pick it up.

I guess you learned to stuff a rag/paper towel in open holes now when working on the engine? It’s Murphys law… never fails. If there’s an opening and you drop something it always finds its way in.

Good luck…Martin.

Yes everything went fine untill I needed to insert that bolt back into the hole, then slip and noooo it cant fall out on the ground it has to find its way right down along the timming chain. Oh well this will give me a chance to learn about that part of the engine while I take it apart. Not the way I would have liked to have but oh well.

Ok I had asked before and not gotten a reply how do you remove the timing chain cover?

1=get a repair manual

you should not even crack and engine open without having a repair manual

u could also try to crank the motor manually using a 27mm socket…

maybe that’ll help loosen it if it is wedged somewhere…

Well just to let you all know what I did, I took a 27mm rachet and manualy turned the engine over about 3 or 4 times compleatly around. Heard no noises and it was very smooth to. Unplug the coil and turned the engine over a few times (of course with the valve cover back on), and heard no bad noises. Then I pluged the coil back in and started her up and beauty. She started up fine droped to around 700rmp at idle and took her for a quick drive. No problems at all, so either a. I am wearing one big ass horseshoe right now or b. This is just a fluke. Thanks for the adivce and I am happy I didnt have to take the timming chain cover off.
(Drain Oil, Remove Rad, Remove Rad Fan ect ect…).

So where’s the bolt?

Where I thought it was in the oil pan. I know some of you will be like “oh my dear god get it out or else we are all doomed” but having a bolt in the oil pan is not a problem. Now if it was something like a peice of a rag or bag that would be a problem all a bolt is going to do is stay there, it will not clog anything up either. I have seen oilpans before that somehow had loose change in them and ran without problem.