Timing Tensioner

Does anyone know if you can change the timing chain tensioner without taking off the chain cover? I see that the water pump is in the way but I thought that I might just be able to take that off and bing bang boom.



The tensioner? You should be able to take out the tensioner without removing anything. Although your engine may be more difficult, who knows.

I know some Nissans, it’s isn’t possible. I would just make things easier and pull the cover, it’s not like your moving the timing marks when you do…

No, it’s just that the cover doesn’t just pop out like a face plate for a stereo. First the down pipe, oil pan, all belts, engine suport, water pump bla bla bla so it is a hard job to do, that is why I was wondering if you could just pop off the tensioner and put the new one in. That’s all

Oil pan? Why would you need to take that off? I don’t have much experience with timing chains on most Nissans, but the Nissans I’ve seen and other cars too, you definetly don’t need to take the oil pan off…

Ohh yes you do. The oil pan bolts onto the bottom of the timing chain cover, atleast it does on mine

same on 240. i was gonna change my chain till i realized i had to then i decided to fuck it. drive till it breaks then upgrade

This sounds weird. So what exactly do you need to change? Timing chain tensioner, or the timing chain guide. If its the tensioner, you should be able to pull it out without undoing anything else. If its the plastic guide inside the timing cover, then yes, you’ll have to undo the oil pan and all other sorts of shit to get the cover off to get at whatever is broken underneith.

Right now, I am getting alot of noise b/c the tensioner is not working so the chain is loose and is banging against the guide. So all I want to do is change the tensioner. I guess i’ll just see if the tensioner will just come out, if not…I don’t even want to think about that. This will be the 3rd time fixing the damn thing :evil:

Does anyone know if you can change the timing chain tensioner without taking off the chain cover? I see that the water pump is in the way but I thought that I might just be able to take that off and bing bang boom.



The tensioner? You should be able to take out the tensioner without removing anything. Although your engine may be more difficult, who knows.

I know some Nissans, it’s isn’t possible. I would just make things easier and pull the cover, it’s not like your moving the timing marks when you do…

No, it’s just that the cover doesn’t just pop out like a face plate for a stereo. First the down pipe, oil pan, all belts, engine suport, water pump bla bla bla so it is a hard job to do, that is why I was wondering if you could just pop off the tensioner and put the new one in. That’s all

Oil pan? Why would you need to take that off? I don’t have much experience with timing chains on most Nissans, but the Nissans I’ve seen and other cars too, you definetly don’t need to take the oil pan off…

Ohh yes you do. The oil pan bolts onto the bottom of the timing chain cover, atleast it does on mine

same on 240. i was gonna change my chain till i realized i had to then i decided to fuck it. drive till it breaks then upgrade

This sounds weird. So what exactly do you need to change? Timing chain tensioner, or the timing chain guide. If its the tensioner, you should be able to pull it out without undoing anything else. If its the plastic guide inside the timing cover, then yes, you’ll have to undo the oil pan and all other sorts of shit to get the cover off to get at whatever is broken underneith.

Right now, I am getting alot of noise b/c the tensioner is not working so the chain is loose and is banging against the guide. So all I want to do is change the tensioner. I guess i’ll just see if the tensioner will just come out, if not…I don’t even want to think about that. This will be the 3rd time fixing the damn thing :evil:

dude change it asap !!! chain banging against guides… !!! you gonna rub through the guides and then through the cover and than your anifreeze will leak like crazy into your oil, you car will burn tons of white smoke and gonna overheat like crazy!~!!and no you can’t change your tensioner without removing the cover unless you got some amazing tools ! :lol: you can give it a try but most likely will get the bolts holding the tensioner in your oilpan, than good luck! first time i removed my timing cover took me like 3 hours and about 2 to put it back i also suggest while the cover is off change the chain without the tensioner you gonna strech your current one also you might need new guides…

You should replace eveything. Chain, tensioner, guide and all. And yes you have to remove the cover and all, even the oil pain, because of the oil suction tube. It is a pin in the ass. (I mean you know it, you’ve done it a few times already.)