help with domain hosting question.

I have two domains through godaddy.

One is just pointing to an ebay store, the other is idle for now.

I need some hosting now on the first domain.

I’m doing a zencart ecommerce website.

Can I use a different hosting company to provide service to the godaddy domain? Or do I have to use godaddy since i bought the domain with them.


Check the terms of service, you should be able to host it elsewhere just point it towards the hosting company. Unless godaddy has some proprietary crap that I was never aware of when using them

I had hosting through them and domain reg elsewhere. Then hosting elsewhere and a domain through them, so from personal experience I was able to but that was like 3-4 years ago, so things may have changed since.

But I imagine you should be able to use a different hosting company.

You can host it anywhere. Log into your account on godaddy, click on the domain you want to move, scroll down and find “Total DNS Contol and MX Records”. Click on that, update the IP to what ever your new host gives you for an IP. Click save, wait an hour or so for DNS to propagate out to the real world, profit.

You would do the same thing for subdomains. Aka, if you domain is you can setup Setup the subdomain with godaddy’s retarded wizard, wait about 10 minutes for it to show up in the “Total DNS…” list. Then just update that IP as well.