Help with formatting an HP Laptop

I’m trying to format my gf’s HP dv6000 laptop. I’m doing this because she has a step-brother that doesn’t use it any more and isn’t around anymore… but won’t gave up the admin password.

I have a legit copy of Vista and can’t seem to figure it out. The stock hard drive is partitioned and it wouldn’t let me write on the main one so I used the very small (like 8 gigs) partition to install Vista. It worked… but the old Vista
is still there on the other partition. That said, I would have no prob just deleting it, but his settings are different and better than the new format. I can’t set the screen resolution at a decent setting whereas the old Vista has multiple settings for it. I tried dl’ing drivers and still can’t get to work. Any ideas?

do a clean format using fdisk, HP puts a recovery partition on the drive, its useless now, so fdisk it.

i think he is having problems with the drivers too… but cleaning it all out and jsut starting from scratch would probably be the easiest way. like BuickGN said

hmmm. I could have just got the admin password out of it for you.

If you can get in under any account, you can make a driver backup disk. That will save you a ton of frustration when you cant find one simple ass driver.