OS question

ok i have a computer that has vista and linux on it. i wanna get rid of the linux how do i do this? or do i need to reformat with just the vista?

need to reformat

you cannot join the two partitions together

WTF? Since when? Is that some Vista gayness? With XP all you do is delete the linux partition, resize XP via partition magic, and defuck your boot loader.

you CAN resize partitions. no reformatting need.

lol how to F do i do this

Partition magic. Look for it on torrent sites.

thanks man. and judt fyi my house is still standing and i have the hottub running lol

ok lol everyone i find does not work with Vista andone have a link to a working one?

Don’t even need partition magic in Vista.

so what do i need to do then

Control Panel.
Administrative Tools.
Computer Management.
Disk Management.
Click on the partition that you have linux installed on. Right click - delete volume. Then right click on your main volume and click on extend volume.

Voila, you are all done.

the extend volume wont highlight


does work with Vista…

official site:

i did what ryanmcell said but now i cant resize it to be one. 1/2 my drive is usable and now the other is just not there

What other options are there when you right click?

open, explore, shrink, properties, change drive letter path, and help

Vista’s built in one tends to gray things out when it shouldn’t from time to time.

You can reboot and try again and usually that fixes it, but if not acronis or partition magic can do the trick if Vista refuses to. (I personally haven’t come across this problem with Vista, but other people I know have).

Could try dos commands, but for someone who doesn’t know what they are doing I wouldn’t recommend it.

download a ubuntu boot cd and boot into it. go to the system>partition editor. you can delete the linux partition and expand the windows one. I hvae shrunk and partitioned my drive with Windows 7 and Vista installed and its really easy.

i alrdy have it deleted but now i cant resize it for the life of me. vista has the program to do it just wont let me

See my post. Try a reboot if it still doesn’t let you.