Help with home network.

How hard is it to make a drive on my computer publically accessable to everyone (4 people) connected to my router?

way too hard.

dont even try it

ok. what’s an easy way to share files between the 4 computers?

You may need the combined help of Howie, RX3, Myself and Locutus…

and me to point

fetter knows. It is a simple program where you basically share out the drive to the net so you can access it whenever, and just give 4 ppl passwords

is it fast?

you’re asking the wrong dude. PM him.

You can just use windows file sharing if all the computers are in the same work group.

yeah man, easy as shit

theres been many threads on here about it where i or someone else have said everyhtin u need to do

dont be a n00b, search

with our powers combined, we are captain leetsauce!

First things first: Are you running XP Pro, or one of the half-assed windows versions (Home :bloated: ).

If you are running XP Pro, Linux or any Unix based OS, it’s really simple. Anything else is going to be more involved.

i have pro. but i don’t want them going through my shit… just my music…

they have home. not worth it?

Too bad I don’t live there anymore… :wink: I can stop by one of these days and help you out if you want.

ugh I’ve never really used XP home because it sucks but…

But if you want to give it a quick shot:

On Newman’s CPU:

Make sure you have sharing enabled. Run the sharing/network wizard.

1)Go to any explorer/ folders window. Click Tools->Folder Options then click the “view” tab. Scroll all the way down, uncheck “use simple sharing” (because it sucks).

2)Once you are done with that, pull up the folder you want to share (so you can see the folder icon). Right click on it, select “sharing and security”. Click on the “sharing” tab.

3)Click the bullet to “share this folder”. MAke up a share name (Newman’s Muzak or whatever). This is what the folder will come up named when the other people look at it.

4)Click the bullet for “allow this number of users”. Set it to 4.

5)Click the permissions button just under that, and make sure that under Everyone only “Read” is checked.

6)Click “Apply” to save the settings, then click “OK”

On the other peoples CPUs:

Make sure they have sharing enabled. Run the sharing/network wizard.

7)Now the people that you are sharing with should be able to go to Start->Search->Files or Folders, then click on “Computers or People” on the left (in the doggy’s bubble). They should then be able to type the name of your computer (whatever the name is if you click on My Computer and the Computer Name tab). Once the search locates your computer, they should be able to double-click and see only the particular folder you shared (Muzak). They should then be able to access it, and if they want to, they can map that folder as a virtual drive (So they don’t have to do the search for your computer all the time).

Occasionally I have seen Windows deny access (once they click on your computer from the search engine), due to security configurations (NTFS, you enabled some other security feature for login, etc). If that happens, the workaround I use that always seems to work is to create accounts for each of the 4 users on your PC. Use the exact same login and password they would use on their computer. Add them to the “guest” group. Then retry step seven.

If all the above didn’t work, then I think Fuzzy’s program would be the easiest thing to implement at this point thanks to XP Home being the steaming pile of defecation that it is. :shrug: