well so far today im having a bad day!!!
i hit this ladys old blazer on the side!!!
i was turning into my neighbourhood and completly slid into her door.
not ebraking or anything, i just couldnt stop at all, i was going like 20km/hr errrrrr.
there wasnt much damage but still enough to get it fixed. i fuged up her little fiberglass sleep thing along the door so yah. thats all the damage.
any recommendations for places to get fiberglass fixed? or a cheap body shop?(well u know cheaper then any where else.
maby i can even get that piece at a junk yard! and paint it. all help is welcome.
also, whats a good way to remove the paint from her car thats on my bumper? its only surface so i can remove it and buff the shit out of it and it will be good again.
btw dont bash im already pissed off enough!!!
thanks for the help guys. im sure if someone on here car drop in an engine then someone must know the best way to remove this.
Read about wet sanding and wax… saw some shit about it on a powerblock show… but was half asleep at the time…
To get your paint off her car you can use thiner and a SOS pad. It wont wrech her car’s chrom and should do the trick.
For all this sort of stuff I would call or stop by any autobody supply shop. Not a body shop but a supply house. There is a place in Leth called Offshore Autobody and I know them all very well. Good place to stop by and shoot the shit about fixing or building up anything.
But ya for your fiberglass work there is a patch kit and also an adheisave you can buy. It will come in 2 bottles like a calking gun thing. You can prob barror the gun from the supply place if you look as sexy as me. But its super easy to use. Just apply where its needed and then wait for it to cure. Its pretty soft so easy to sand afterwards. Also when your reparing anything on fiberglass or plastic never use any power tools. Sand by hand or when it comes to paint time you will see flat spots. But ya. I donno what else to say. Just stop by a sjop and ask them. There normally pretty nice. Just dont go there and ask 5 mins before they get off :P. Much luck. Hopefully someone bumps into you on the way to the body supply house and you can blame the dammage on them and get it fixed for free
sweet good idea thanks man.
so her paint is on your bumper right? I would try paint thinner to get it off, then wet sand and polish the scratches out. if yout bumper got squished a little you can heat it up with a heat gun and re form it by holding something flat like a block of wood against it while it cools. only works for slight damage.
oh no its not bent or anything, i just slid along her car so i smuged some of her paint on my car…
wont paint thinner take all the paint off in that area? or it i dilute it, it will only take the paint thats on there? also wet sanding im not 100 % sure how to do that, but is it just keep the surface wet and use very fine sand paper? what about a clay bar? will that help?
Personally, I would be a little scared to use thinner. I would think you would be able to buff it out. Check out some of the cars on this page: http://www.mobilereflections.ca/portfolio.htm
Like the that white Soarer, you can’t even tell the marks were there. I could be wrong but I believe this guy uses a 3 step process to get that stuff out. I would try that before thinner. Good luck with it.
your cars paint is baked on. it won’t come off if you just wipe it with thinner. maybe if you leave it sit there for hours. body shops use it all the itme for touch ups. and wet sanding is when you get a 2000grit wet sand paper and SOAK the area before and during light sanding. then you take a polishing compound and get out the fine scratchs.
k ima try the paint thinner then wet sand, thanks for the help.
get the specfic “wet sand” sanding paper.
and get a good polishing compound, or even pay a couple bucks to get it power polished after removing the paint. and don’t sand it if it’s not scratched deeply.
sweet… thanks for all the advice! very much appreciated.