help with wiring subs

Hey I heard that you can wire up your power wire to your battery without drilling through the firewall. People have told me that there are a few places to do this on the car. Does anybody know anything about this? I was planning on getting my firewall professionally drilled cuz i didn’t want to f*** anything up. But now that I"m hearing this i’ve changed my mind. I can’t find any places on my car to run this wire. If anyone knows anything plz let me know.

depends on car…

dont be scared get a drill check the other side make sure nothing is on the other side then drill…

if you want to be ghetto go ahead and take it threw the door jam…gotta love that goodness

find a place where something passes through already and push it in along side it,

Try looking near the cluster of wires that comes through to the fuse panel (if its not under the hood). I’ve had luck notching the rubber grommet that the wires come through for enough space to run a nice fat cable through.

What kind of car is it?

it’s a 2001 eclipse…i’m going to check out the fuse panel and see if i can find anything…thanks

I know this is a bit late but, check down by where the steering colum goes though, there is usually a large rubber grommet in the area where you can push through a large power wire like that. It usually is where the main cluster of wires enter like previously stated.

Like others have said, find something that passed thru the firewall, and locate it on both sides. That should help you find a safe spot to drill.

And whatever you do, use a grommet…