
Well that is the biggest problem… our boss keeps flip flopping.

We (about 2 years ago) were trying to resolve calls as they came in. And we didn’t fix them all but we got a good portion of them. Then we would escalate to the next level, being PC Support; LAN; Lotus notes; who ever.

Then our new boss decided that we were getting way too many abandoned calls and that we should stop fixing people and send a ticket to other groups.

Now, the new CIO is complaining and she wants us to start trouble shooting again, but in the meantime, we have 7 new employees who are from India and don’t speak English very well and have the common sense of a 3 year old.

So I keep telling her that we need 2 tiers in the GSC (Global Support Center). The new folks should be the first level and they should escalate to the older folks who would be tier 2.

But she doesn’t want to do that because then she is worried about teh Indians being upset.

WTF !!!