Here Is The Thread I was SUPPOSE to make

pewter im not posting anything that has to do with pics, ill take the ban

unless you put back what you took out of soooo many areas, a certain persons name, why would you remove it? it wasnt bothersome.

cause of the drama it would sart u little fuck head!
bring it up agaian :ban: 30days

fuck head, hahaha e-drama= e-fighting hahaha

little fuck head

Ban List

Most bans/unbans are handled by Supermods or Admins. I can always override them but usually dont. Bans usually last from 3 day to 14 days depending on reason. Bans are never permanent unless you really push it.

Do not register any other usernames while you are serving ban time. If we track a new username to a ban name, we will extend the ban two weeks for every name registered, and eventually, perma ban you or ban your IP block.

Supermods, please post reason for ban only if needed.

Any problems or concerns should be addressed to Whitey via e-mail at any other form of contact will be ignored.

do you use a ban calculator to figure out how long of a ban to impose? i mean what do you do cut and paste the post into the calculator an it suggests a time frame :kekegay:

go sit on a push rod popa

if u ask why a admin or mod does something & u ?? time & time again,u go for 30 days!i more ? about it on the board & see ya!

mod powers:greddy: :rolleyes:

count crankula forgot to eat his count chocula today, aparently its going around, even the almighty was a touch PMSie today,

bunch of :tool:'s imo

dont like it,hit the red box with white X & dont return,u may like reading all this :greddy: ass :drama: but i dont! STFU!!!

what kind of tools? wrenches? pliers? sockets? what?

ass plugs,cause cheeks aint there!:booty:


ya some mechanic, a but plug is a toy not a tool, dumbass

ahh monkey wrenchs, or widgetts, its a toss up

your choice to be mod/read posts, dont like it, let one of the others mod this thread, so in essence practice what you preach

i gaurentee you had to look up in the right corner to know what color the box and “X” was :rofl: - actually rofflmfaoolccbisff hahaha

no i didnt,i know from befor!:op:

woops sorry didnt know it got :lockd:

this thread sucked