Heres a reason to not drink and drive (Hit and run) (Corasanti trial)

I hope the next 3 years of ChemE PhD teach me how to be this much of an alcoholic.


the guys in court today, still waiting to hear whats going to happen to him.

One of my customer’s knows this guy personally and says what a nice, caring, giving, smart man he is. I didn’t disagree with her. I then told her he chose to drive drunk, hit and girl, and the unforgiveable part is that he left her after the accident when he could’ve helped her or called for help. That makes everything he did before a little less (ok a lot less) impressive and less important. She didn’t disagree.

Hmmm I remember a topic similar to this but everything was skewed the other way lol. Either way I hope he gets more than a slap on the wrist.


Don’t think he’ll be getting off with a slap on the wrist. They released his BAC in court and it was .10 when they finally got the court order 5 hours after the accident. They estimate .14 to .21 at the time of the crash. Plus they’re claiming he tried cleaning up the car and covering up that he was texting at the time. Even Joel Daniels (the guy you call when you’re guilty as hell but have money) won’t be able to make all this go away.


They can argue that he wasn’t drunk at the time of the accident and that he drank after. This happened to a friend of mine. Took out a telephone pole, left the scene. Cops came to his house 3ish hours after. He was still drunk blew a .12 and got out of the dwi since there was know way to prove he was drunk when he hit the pole.

Problem here. People know where he was drinking prior to the accident, how much he was drinking, and I’m sure he has a bar tab he had to pay.

Side note, It pisses me off listening to the defense on this. “He had a couple of drinks” - MY ASS A COUPLE!! couple = 2, this bastard had like 10 before hopping into his car.

Picturing him cleaning off tissue makes me sick.

He could have a case for “hey, i got home and drank a bunch more” etc etc…

but texting, cleaning the car, etc is going to really screw him.


Knowing people in this country he probably would have been sued.

Skateboarding in the road at night is a still a terrible idea. It sucks that your friend had to go like this though, RIP.

That’s what GOOD lawyers do. And Joel Daniels is way beyond a good lawyer. Keep his name in mind if you’re ever in one of those “wow, I just fucked up really big” situations. As someone with an interest in law I’ll definitely be following how he proceeds with this case. If it’s like his prior playbook we’ll see a lot of “my client is a healer, saved lots of people” stuff trying to influence the jury pool prior to the trial date.

Whats different from that and riding a bike. Driver is in charge of being aware of his surroundings. Unfortunately he wasnt and this happened. But regardless of where the riding was being done… its still a loss of life and still involved someone hitting a person and driving off. they could have been walking, roller blading, riding a bike… doesnt matter. Fact is even without alcohol… if that wasnt the case, he hit someone, drove off, and tried to cover it up. Bag him and tag him.

I thought they fixed the law to prevent this? In the past, if you crashed, it was in your best interest to leave the scene and let them find you later but now, if you leave a scene of an accident and they have any reason to think you were drinking, you are still on DWI charges. It was a loophole that was closed in the last few years.

They did change/added a law for situations like this. I’m not sure of the details. As far as people saying he was drinking before he left I’m sure his lawyer can argue about how can the average joe blow be an expert to determine how drunk a person is. Who says he finished every drink he had or if every time they saw a drink in his hand it was a new drink. He could have had the same drink for 5 mins or for an hour. The bar tab could be argued that he was buying drinks for other people not just for himself.

disclaimer I know nothing about law. I do think he was drunk when this all went down but that’s only based on the info from the news.

Not defending this assclown but how did this girl not see a car coming right at her and attempt to jump out of the way? Regardless whether he is proven guilty or not, he’s fucked for lyfe.

The skateboarder’s clothing (color), where she was located on the road and lighting in that area can all be contributing factors. Like saying she was wearing dark clothing, no lights in the area and skating in the middle of the street. (just an example)

However, from a liability standpoint, you would have to look at what she did wrong in order to be liable. If the girl was on the side of the road or bike lane as some the articles suggested. I would find no liability on her. In order to be liable for something, you need to be negligent in some way. I can agree that riding a bike, skateboard, walking on the side of the road, at night can be more dangerous as visibility is down. This does not make you liable or negligent though.

We/I don’t know all of the facts. My personal opinion… bury this guy. Drinking and driving, texting, failure to maintain control, disposing of evidence and fleeing the scene… give him everything that is coming to him.

Shouldn’t be relevant. He Ran over someone and left the accident doesn’t matter if he hopped the curb or hit them in the street. He was also intoxicated while driving…again doesn’t matter if he hits someone or not.

I do agree with this. If he stopped and was sober, he would be a lot better off and could argue his cause that the girl was in the street and not on the sidewalk but the fact he was drinking, went home and cleaned his car off to hide the evidence and cleared his cell phone log makes him a lot more guilty.

read the article in full. she was in the bike lane.

im happpy to hear he’s not going to just get away with this though.

unfortunately its something we all have to deal with. Try driving at night on a country road with no lights and people walking in black clothing. Is it there fault for being stupid and wearing to dark of clothing, if I were to hit them…sober and not texting?

It is your job as the drive/license owner to be aware of your surroundings at all times. If night time is harder for you to see things, maybe night driving is not the best thing to do for yourself then.