He's back!

And looking pretty good right now!

Go Vinny :slight_smile:

Been a pretty interesting game, hopefully Jets can hold them off.

Oh, finally, Ty Law doing pretty good this game.

Barrett really had an amazing game.

and Coles - still good.

LOL holy turnover central for the Bucs


14-12 BABY

Not bad for a 42 year old :slight_smile:

163 yds, 0 TD’s and a pick is nothing to get worked up about :stuck_out_tongue:

on the other hand, our QB goes for 169 and a touch and instantly hes god in this town…goddamn fickle fans…

cmart saved the j-e-t-s today…be thankful…lol…

I’m not sucking him off, just saying he doesn’t look too bad.

esp the 2nd half.