Hey all whats up?

Its been a while since i posted so i figured id say hello. whats been goin on?

adam spamming all over

adam ur an ass haha

Haha, I found a FUUUUU thread, and they are all hilarious!

Well that did happen yesterday, so I believe it may be relavent lol

share link.

ya ya… stop being a thread terrorist

adam and bret… do you guys have anything else to do lol?

Yo brett:

Negative sir lol. Whats up, hows life?


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life is good just been chillin… i leave for basic training in 6 weeks…

Good shit man. Congrats! AF is the way to go!

ya man… im excited. im going to be doing explosives oridinance disposal so i get to learn how to blow shit up :smiley:

EOD, more props to ya man. You know youre gonna be goin over to the sandbox with a job like that!

nope, im off, waiting for FailEDEX to show up

^ ha ha bret, you waiting on parts?

Ya adam but by the time im done with all my training we might not be in the sandbox anymore…