i’m not even sure how this came out (aside from the one post in vacation thread which can be taken many ways).
I blame this most recent dim sum meet that i missed out on… gossip queens. :roll2:
lol Geoff, nice
:uhh: :lol:
lol @ it’s not a toomey
I had no idea you fuck, congrats!
Dude its not a toomey is gonna get me fired, i cant stop laughing!
well we didn’t tell anyone except for a few Chatty Kathy’s apparently
and yes it was planned :ohnoes:
lol i only told adam after you told me, he suspected it weeks ago and i didnt say anything until it was confirmed so my guess the culprits name rhymes with Schmadam Kramsay
holy crap, congratulations!
what a dominant thread… :tup:
hahaha madam is certainly in there.
and thanks Sam., Howie
F the rest of you though.
already on muscle milk
F you! im taking back the gift i was going to probably not buy you.
Admittedly, I was hoping this would be one of those warm and fuzzy baby threads.
However, I am genuinely happy for you.
I really think the title of the thread should be changed… just getting a new one, yea it has a lot more cargo space so what, you wanna fight about it?
you need all the help you can get to actually get a coherent insult in on me
welcome to the club.