Hi everyone, I’m Eric.
I know some of you on here and I’m also Goff’s cousin
2011 Honda Accord Coupe
2011 Honda CBR600RR
Updated below I’ll include pics soon- ended the accord coupe lease early and got a 2012 PB Evo GSR. Still have my bike but this year not much use
Are you the guy that rides everywhere in 1st gear?
Because you are slowly driving me crazy.
Howdy I’m also from the island. You may have seen the low speed3 or the slammed black miata Rollin around.
May 12, 2012, 10:01pm
Welcome. Powerful new island member. I’m going to be spending a lot of time on the isle this summer, already started to recently
Lol no not at all. I want to track my bike by next year hopefully if I can afford it. I was also at the dyno day at Innovative on the 4th on my bike.
Thanks guys!
May 17, 2012, 5:57am
Woo Grand Island roll call.
So which one of you goons owns that 240 on Baseline?
I saw that the other day and that was my first thought.
I’ve also seen a new 5.0 a few times that looks like it has an intercooler up front, I want to find out.
May 17, 2012, 2:04pm
pretty sure the 240 on baseline is Ken Agnello’s. car looks dope. i couldnt tell you if he’s on here or not though.
Mingle, saw that mustang the other day. sounded nice and guy was old haha i was amped.
May 20, 2012, 5:36pm
Hey other guys. Oh and for the GI people I’m over on Fix towards the west river by Alt
yea thats me with the 240 on baseline. i hardly ever post on here. i also have a black nissan pickup with orange titan 18’s. minglor was next to me in his miata on the 190 one day he waved and floored it
September 26, 2013, 9:33am
Update new car- 2012 PB Evo GSR
Hello there, im in the Sandy Beach area