Hey! I'm new and clueless!!

If you weren’t so self conscious and ugly you wouldn’t have cared. :gotme:

sorry I can’t take out loans for $20,000 because I need to pay off my cavalier that I COULD afford at the time that I bought it…I kinda like to look in the future so i can pay my bills other than my car payment and my insurance. I like to DO things with my money, like hockey games…or am I not supposed to do that either because I’m a chick?

My girlfriend wasn’t supposed to get into rally racing but she did and it pissed me right off. Girls should have their own thing. But enjoy your stay, try not to take any of this personally

I’m not self conscious I know I’m not ugly…I just think it’s rude to say shit about people when you don’t know them. What if a girl took it WAY to seriously and was really self conscious, you wouldnt care if anything happened to her by what you said? You’re heartless…

Then if you’re not ugly, you shouldn’t care or whine.

Second, the more feelings i hurt the better.

EDIT: If you had a K20 i have a whole load of respect for you that would look great in your hair.

Welcome to 2007…maybe you’re girl should go find another guy that likes the fact that she’s into that. You’re probably just embarrassed that she knows just as much as you or more.

Listen, I’m not interested in your life story, GODS HONEST TRUTH.

I’m just trying to say if you got that K20 like you posted about here:

You’d probably get the respect you deserve, because for some people, it’s more important. /ff

Actually, I was more in reference to the fact that just about every intro thread these days seems to be the same way. Granted it is pretty damn funny at times. Just seems like the wrong place to do it.

EDIT: That is what Off-Topic is for. :slight_smile:

ok so what are you saying? I can’t post on here unless I have a car that you approve of? No thanks…i don’t need approval of which car I drive.

Girls should know about makeup and ponies and baking. that 2007 shit is played out, if we weren’t so damn sensitive about other people’s feelings our country woulden’t be in the shitter.

In the words of my government teacher “if you don’t like this country, then leave.”

this plus the tower = greatness

i am lol’ing

20k for a K20? Is that the high flow version?

I love my country and i love broads, they just need to be less sensitive. Relax no one here knows you and cannot make any truthful opinions about you. No need to get worked up about it.


what do you expect me to say? “oh I’m not going to take out a $15,324.48 loan” ? see what I mean? you guys take this shit way to seriously…waaay to much time on your hands…and let me guess you’re going to say something because I spelled way with 3 a’s right? haha

well, he was probably pointing out that you can get a k20 for about 4000 bucks.

I was mostly picking on my dog Jay. But I do work at Hybrid, and if you’d like an accurate price, I could get you one if you toss a PM.
