Hey need help with something

Hey guys i just bought my first s13 and when i bought it the passenger side power window didn’t work and still doesn’t and im trying to figure out what i could be the guy said it was the driver side motor for the power windows but im not sure cause even on the driver door i cant put down the passenger window so im kinda confused… and the lock dont lock with the key and if they do once i shut the door they jsut open again any thought and what could be wrong

And i also need a recontamination to a good shop to do a motor swap and make it from auto to manual thanks guys

the bits inside the door are cheap and easy to swap…start with the driver door switches…then there is a black box i believe inside there that u can swap…then do the motor…all of those parts can be had for almost nothing

I think your forgetting to hold the outside door handle UP while closing the door. and the plug to the window switch is probably loose.

What dylan said , lock the door, lift handle while closing it and should lock. for the window i had the same issue, i changed the black box nothing then the switches and everything was good to go.

where is the black box ? http://www.google.ca/imgres?um=1&hl=en&safe=off&sa=N&tbo=d&tbm=isch&tbnid=tbiLqNLDDo_jXM:&imgrefurl=http://forums.nicoclub.com/door-handle-installation-t414442.html&docid=poJke1o0qoMzTM&imgurl=http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e283/sweetguyy7/Project%2520S13/RemoveDoorPanel.jpg&w=640&h=480&ei=fjy4UNzlFcb-2QXjsYDICg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=100&vpy=629&dur=306&hovh=140&hovw=193&tx=154&ty=89&sig=106985257375452267774&page=1&tbnh=137&tbnw=189&start=0&ndsp=56&ved=1t:429,r:33,s:0,i:186&biw=1600&bih=1099

is it in this pic and i tryed lift the door handle thing its lock but doesnt unlock now i feel like a super noob and when im trying to unlock its just keep twisting the key and i dont belive i have oem keys either they dont say nissan on them

the black box is the relay for the window motors, it is located on the drivers side (but supplies power to both motors) it is a common failure, i was able to repair the circuit board after opening mine up, but sometimes they get fried real good and need to be replaced.

Only need to lift handle while closing a locked door, opening it is just normal key in turn unlock and then open.the black box sits on the bottom left hand side of the drivers door. its held by 2 screws or small bolts.


wow what ??? its my first 240

i really didnt even bother locking my 240…i saw how quickly caa could open my door…i just didnt keep anything valuable showing…if they want my deck take it

yeah i asked the owener he said you have to wiggle it im like fuck it im not gonna even bother

pop the door card off and replace the black box very common problem with 240’s takes all of about 15-20 minutes.

If your a new 240 owner don’t google what you did above. Goodle 240sx factory service manual or FSM download it and print it’ll save you tones of headaches and wasted time.

Congrats on the new purchase

it’s how all 90’s gen cars lock. lock, pull outside handle, shut. I personally like it, helps when and if you have that “oh shit moment” when you’re locking the door and you’re looking at your keys on the seat or still in the ignition lol