Hey Newman!!!

You own a Chevy dealership… did you know that?


:lol: :clap:


and i thought i had a lot of time on my hands… lols

He’s also on Project Runway on MTV

haha, the kids name is even christian.


faggot newman leghumpers, god i hate them

this kid even looks EXACTLY like him, clothes and all…pretty scary.

the appearance is moderately similar. the clothes aren’t, the mannerisms arent… the speech isnt either.

edit: its one of my favorite shows :rainbow:

:lol: at this post

oh and sureshot! Gets nominated for gayest post ever

way to capitalize mid-sentence you dbag

edit: :slight_smile:

Way to not capitalize at all, turd sandwich!

self-pwned!!! :smiley:

newman will turn this into something good because i believe this was the winner

you guys already loose

we’ll know at 420

christian from project runway is my favorite contestant ever. eep. i want him to win.

December 2004? Too soon Jr.
NYSpeed did not exist until June 2005. Still very excellent chop 8/10.

He is good. I like Jillian to win though, her stuff is always intense.

L0L good stuff

Ahh, yes. I like her too and wouldn’t mind seeing her go to Bryant Park.