Hey Walter.....

lol boston in 3rd.

too funny.

poor walter

wasn’t boston blocking the base line with a man w/out the ball in that picture?

i was the same way with hockey… but this last year was awesome…

but yea baseball i could careless about… especially when clemens would pitch… the games were sooo fucking long!

yes, yes he does

Ahh yes, I saw this at Sports Authority…


Hahaha oh that must suck. hahahahahaha

:tup: for the 9th consecutive divisional title.

thie baseball seasons makes baby sean cry…

but seriously the sox didnt have it this year, too many injuries in a bullpen that wasnt deep enough to begin with.

and not for nothing but the yankees aren’t going anywhere this year either…its gonna be twins/detroit…sadly

lol yeah detroit, too funny.

where’s the


hell, even ALCS VICTORY?

:hay: :cjerk: :rofl:

In the same section as “3rd Place Isn’t That Bad…”

haahah yeah no shit.

we all suck


lol got that right!!!