Oh hell yes - The Fast and Furious - *vid*

Dude, your on crack. Initial D was bassed off of real events and what was “in” that time during the late 80’s, early 90’s in japan. Think about it, all the big companies had their cars, toyota, mazda, nissan, honda, etc. Dont be a single minded jack ass and think that the world loves 240’s. Less then 5% of the world know about them. Regardless of that. They werent popular, also, please dont compare real life to F&F. thats the dumbest shit ive ever heard. Its alot more realistic to compete in touge battles with average joe cars, then go street racing in a fucking car thats modded the fuck out of.

In conclusion … dont compare anything you see on t.v to what you see outside. i’d rant more, with more intellect, but im tired. :stuck_out_tongue: