Where are you Red Sox fan?

Your boys got DA BROOM! SWEEP CITY. :shrug: :mamoru:

[boost mobile]Where you at? [/boost mobile]

better question is where them yankee fans at?

ohh walter, come walter, here boy, here boy

I know im so sad, the yankees are on the verge of losing :frowning: I thought for sure their incredible team would win the WS this year :tear:


such a weaksauce red sox fan… how bad does your team have to fucking suck that your basis for a successful season is how far another team gets?? :lol:

“Well yea we might fucking suck, but at least you didn’t win the world series” :bloated:

peace out fagsox, maybe you’ll return to the winners circle in a hundred years

nhl and nfl > mlb

