Heyy from Buffalo

Heyy…I’m from the southtowns i drive a 92 5.0 mustang with a kenne bell and a 2003 mazda 6 s!

Welcome aboard.

Oh Hulk = Green = Color of your car :tup:




omg a girl! and she was born in '91! OMFG.

kaitlin fairchild?


i thought it was bed time! … oohhh boyy

welcome :wave:

Welcome to the forums. Nice looking mustang. Finally you made a intro lol.

no kaitlin kerl lol

it was hence it is now 5:20 in the morning to go to work

thanks and haha i know i thought i should sooner or later


Welcome to the forums. Nice stang!

ohh aren’t you just the working stiff!

well hellloooooo


Sharp fox! What paint color is that?

hullo :wave:

I am pretty sure I used to hang out with your sister WAY back in the day, I am talking WAY WAY back, around the time you were born :slight_smile:

Anyway, welcome aboard!

Not a fan of that color but looks clean. Welcome.