heyyyy whaddaya know, TDI on top of the MPG league!!!! TDI buddyiezz come on in!!!!

where are all the tdi buddyiezzz

I see no TDI buddyiezzzzz???

Wouldn’t mind a white mk5 jetta TDI…

I iz here!

Also, for those who are skeptical about TDI buddiezz having trouble starting in the cold…I can confirm that mine started this morning @ 0deg f without an issue. No additive, nothing.

mine started fine too :slight_smile:

for the kicker… how long did you wait to have heat blowing?

30 seconds

My cousin from Ireland drives a TDI and she said there was no problems with starting during the cold streak they had over there a few weeks ago. TDI’s are solid pieces of machinery fo sho.

truck actually started too!!!