Hi everyone


Look at me, Im newman, I can change someones original post!! Wohoo someone give me a cookie!!


I didn’t change anything, i simply quoted various parts of it :gotme:


Look at my hair! Im cool Im newman!! Look at my piercings!! Im cool! Im newman! Please pay attention to me! Im really an insecure little B*TCH inside and I need all the love I can get cuz Im newman!!


yeah, i am pretty awesome. now that you’ve realized this: welcome aboard!

BTW: i’ve seen less shitty people at… um… the shitty person factory


SO, when are You going to post up pics of Your sweeet sweeeet ride?


Im gonna post them up after I finish the appearence related stuff I have planned. I bought some halo headlights that are pretty sick looking. Im also gonna be gettin a paint job.

U got pics of yours?


I didn’t change anything, i simply quoted various parts of it :gotme:

yeah, i am pretty awesome. now that you’ve realized this: welcome aboard!

BTW: i’ve seen less shitty people at… um… the shitty person factory


I cant believe he just said “welcome aboard”. :jawdrop:

This thread is filled with a bunch of followers.

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:84,topic:25548"”]

This thread is filled with a bunch of followers.


Yea I actually know about newman cuz he gave one of my friends a hard time.

did he cry about it to?


Yea I actually know about newman cuz he gave one of my friends a hard time.


well, he probably sucked too. :gotme:

i think you kids travel in packs.


well, he probably sucked too. :gotme:

i think you kids travel in packs.


actually, from what she said, you thought her BF was pretty cool. U know lady 5 0??


did he cry about it to?


jeeze, would you just shut your face? My conversation is between me and newman. Your random idiocies are only reaffirming that you are a familiar of his, and that you have no brain of which you think for yourself.

You will speak when spoken to. In the mean time plz stfu.

A f%cking 19 yr old is trying to talk down to me. Youre not even old enough to drink.

who the hell is lady 50?

probably a fatty.


who the hell is lady 50?

probably a fatty.


if angela is a fatty, then you must be attracted to starving etheopian people. Her BF is Rob, he drives a maroon camaro.


if angela is a fatty, then you must be attracted to starving etheopian people. Her BF is Rob, he drives a maroon camaro.


was he the only camaro driver i liked?

if so, yeah, he’s an alright dude. I don’t think i know lady 5-0


was he the only camaro driver i liked?

if so, yeah, he’s an alright dude. I don’t think i know lady 5-0


Thats his GF, Angela. Shes a friend of mine.




lol please stop posting until you have established yourself and are no longer a jackass


lol please stop posting until you have established yourself and are no longer a jackass


I have established myself and then some. Ive established that Im not gonna take sh^t from anyone.

And what Im establishing right now is that you dont know how to read or comprehend because this has been what Ive been doing ever since ppl started bashing me, 3 pages ago.

How many more pages do we need to go through before it seeps into your skull what Ive been “establishing?”

Plz, for your sake, just be quiet.

its seems like so far all you have done is take shit, so your already failing


its seems like so far all you have done is take shit


If this is all that you have understood thus far, then you are a very sad individual.

If you could READ and COMPREHEND correctly you would have seen that I have been responding to all the bashing accordingly. Especially your weak and unsupportive statements.

As I said before, YOU NEED TO READ THE OTHER PAGES BEFORE YOU REPLY. Maybe this is too much to ask of you however. Maybe youre too unintellegent to understand how Ive been pwning you this whole time.

I have a question for ya: are you slow? Or do you need to go back and read every single post again?

yes i am slow. i took the short bus thru highschool and im just now getting out of the helmet.

your responses suck, that all you have proven, there wouldnt even be any need to read the entire thread.

fyi - you havent been “pwning” anyone, but if u think you have been, and that makes you happy then thats all that counts

and yes, i am 19yr old and yes i am talking down to you

but yea im not looking to get banned so im done.


so r u trying to be a tough guy and stand up for someone or r u just tryin to stand up for yourself either way your not doin to good. then u made your self look like an ass by wanting to run ppl and to scared to say what u have done to your car, thats pretty gay in my book. but if u will come out say what u have done and not list stupid spark plug mods i may let u run me when the weather breaks.


yes i am slow. i took the short bus thru highschool and im just now getting out of the helmet.

your responses suck, that all you have proven, there wouldnt even be any need to read the entire thread.

fyi - you havent been “pwning” anyone, but if u think you have been, and that makes you happy then thats all that counts

and yes, i am 19yr old and yes i am talking down to you

but yea im not looking to get banned so im done.



If my responses suck soo much then why havent you had anything good to contribute other than going off what newman has said. You cant think for yourself because u r stupid.

And if they suck soo much then why have you been responding?? As I said before, just shut your face. Do I have to spell it out for you?