Please, for the love of all things holy, sue me. I would love for you to bring this up in court, and find a lawyer that’ll help present your case. This is a PRIVATE forum. Yes, anyone can join, but it is owned by Vlad. Not the United States. As much as you can post any racial slur you want, I can ban you for whatever I want, with the approval of the owner of the site. I am not a liberal on most cases, but I do stand on a line on where I fall. Please, quit your bitching. You people do not understand what type of image the forum gives off to people, as this has been discussed with mods many a time. We’ve been editing out racial slurs and “threatening” with bans for a while now. Just because it’s you, you go and make a huge thread about it. If you are so butt hurt about it, feel free to delete yourself off the forums like you already did once when you didn’t agree with other members or moderators.
Holy fucking shit. Travis is being rational.
Yes, you legally can. Kinda like companies that make 3D movies. Only people with two eyes can see the third dimension. Oh man, should I go sue Disney now?!?!