Cossey: Ban?

Bewbs or ban.

Jk :rofl

:lol coming from you that is QUITE hysterical! :tongue

:hug j/k!!!

Irony? This post could be listed in the dictionary. lol


i think I might use that as my sig now HAHAHAHA

eatin aint cheatin and suckin aint fuckin… he’s safe on those accords… and i would assume porn would be high on his priorities list seeing as he refuses to go for the real thing. cant blame then man for his beliefs… but im not about to shake his hand unless i watch him wash first…lol

99FRC you can’t be serious.

You’re wrong, ignorant and arrogant on so many levels, I don’t even know where to start.

Freedom of speech even in life is not obsolute and is limited. You can’t wear a shirt with a racial slur on it to a school, you can’t yell fire in a crowded theater, you can’t swear in a business if they don’t approve it, they will ask you to leave or call the police to make you leave, yes over speech.

See a similarity? Internet is GLOBAL, US state law is useless on a mass scale. Fine let’s say the server IP is based in US, you still agreed to the contract upon signup. You agreeing to a business contract have to follow it, otherwise we ask you to leave or you’re E-tresspassing.

Cossey was simply following a rule we established since the start of forum where discriminatory and racial slurs are not allowed. We catch them when we can.

You say you got black friends? That’s great. Are you friends with every black member? Can you say they are all cool with it?

If you’re so down with the term, go to Albany High during the day and Arbor Hill at night with your comment on your shirt and see how long you last.

Seriosly dude? I expected better out of you.


I am not arguing that at this point. I see the error of my ways in that argument. I was wrong and it will not happen again.

However, I am pissed that I get the brunt of it, on a completely meaningless post. Vov, if you mean what you just said, threads about boobs, sex, etc, would all be subject to this same scrutiny. There are always people to be offended. I can’t count the number of times I have seen posts with racial slurs, with MOD’s included in the thread. Where was the punishment there?

I have no problem following the rules, but if everyone else is doing it without punishment and then I say something and get repremanded that is discrimination.

also a quality point.

Hey, I’m a guy. Just because I haven’t allowed myself to get any, doesn’t mean I don’t like em. I appreciate them almost as much as the next guy (one day it will be as much as the next guy :rofl).


Please, for the love of all things holy, sue me. I would love for you to bring this up in court, and find a lawyer that’ll help present your case. This is a PRIVATE forum. Yes, anyone can join, but it is owned by Vlad. Not the United States. As much as you can post any racial slur you want, I can ban you for whatever I want, with the approval of the owner of the site. I am not a liberal on most cases, but I do stand on a line on where I fall. Please, quit your bitching. You people do not understand what type of image the forum gives off to people, as this has been discussed with mods many a time. We’ve been editing out racial slurs and “threatening” with bans for a while now. Just because it’s you, you go and make a huge thread about it. If you are so butt hurt about it, feel free to delete yourself off the forums like you already did once when you didn’t agree with other members or moderators.

Holy fucking shit. Travis is being rational.

Yes, you legally can. Kinda like companies that make 3D movies. Only people with two eyes can see the third dimension. Oh man, should I go sue Disney now?!?!


I see 99’s point of view, and as a former admin of a forum just like this, I also see the admins point of view. They are both valid.

Problem is, they can’t catch everyone doing everything wrong. Technically, if they were into banning for everything, half of this forum would be banned already for attacking my personal choice(s). :rofl

as well as me for whatever they decided was funny at that moment.


Jesus Cossey!

We are having a big issue enforing the rules evenly, yes it seems unfair if you get pulled over for speeding when a guy next to ya was even going even faster.

EVERY time we catch a comment we PM about it and warn the offender, but when somebody does get punished they cry river because they weren’t the only ones pissing in the pool.

Just take a warning and please follow one of only 3 or 4 rules we have.

We try our best to be lenient and protect the members at the same time.

well, i have my moments… and i rofl’d at the 3D bit… sometimes you are fuckin funny man.


Dear OP: I’m banning you for being stupid when I get home.

dear fizzle… please ban yourself for abusing mod powers at same time. thank you.

Major +1. Vlad thanks for posting this.

As for those who want to come in and say “but I was not offended so…” that’s all well and good but everyone is DIFFERENT and it is these differences we should be mature enough to understand and respect.

Are we so self-centered that if a word is acceptable to “me” then it is fine to use anywhere, anytime?

99FRC, I’m calling you out - post up a picture of you hanging with some black guys, looking like you are chums. I don’t want a photo of you and the token black guy at your workplace / town forcing a smile 'cause he’s surrounded by white folks… Go on and show us all a photo that makes it clear how tight ya’ll are with the brothers…

It won’t change my opinion that your comment should not be on a public forum, but it would be entertaining for me. So humor an old man.