hi forum

howdy… my name is Steve Knight, im a propulsion engineer for boeing in chicago.

heard about this site from a friend of a friend who is a member here.

99boomingt? not sure if thats familiar or not.

im new to forums… so bare with me as forum terms such as ftw? and NWS or other stuff i see here is not quite clear to me… but im getting old so work with me here…

not sure if there are anyother guys in their 30’s on here but im now one of them.

thanks to addictedtob00st? for getting me aquainted with the forum use… thanks to you sir


ftw = for the win
nws = not work safe
diaf = die in a fire
fs = for sale
wtb = want to buy
tt = to trade
ttt = to the top

Hi Steve :wave:

AH thanks mister dos? yeah internet terminology is kind of new to me, so i will get used to it eventually.

whats the age range / group of people here? sorry i just would not like to feel like the old man here.


oh wow. so i am the old man here. well i look forward to talking with all of you… i have read around a bit before i started posting. you all seem like a smart group with good heads on your shoulders so i think i will fit in fine here.


there are at least a couple dozen 25-30’s
and a few more 30+


Oh no, I’m almost out of the range!!?!?!

BTW whats does tif mean? I’ve always wondered.

BTW = by the way


welcome :wave:…the majority age range is what dos said, but there are a few older guys here as well, glad to have ya here :slight_smile:

well im going on 31. so i don’t feel so old considering 25 is the average age here, whats 6 years right?

2190 Days…

well it was worth a shot. but now that i look at it, it is a lot of days.

Welcome :tup:




welcome to the board, good to see you found your way around :slight_smile: like i told ya in PM’s if you need anything else just ask :tup:

Thank yoiu very much you have been a phenominal help to me.

welcome…i’m a friend of Tom’s :wave:

welcome. what do you drive?

i drive a 05 Subaru STi , its not the greatest car but it gets me around. i love the go-kart feel it has.