hey guys
so my names bryan I’m 16 and in school.
so basically alot of guys on SON have mentioned TNC
so I decided to check it out.
I currently don’t have a 240 but I’m saving up cash to get one hopefully next year or 2 years -_- depends on how much I can earn since insurance and gas is a bitch…
hopefully i can learn some more through this forum and my co-op=D
nice to meet you guys.


welcome to tnc

Hi 16

um how come I cant read technical forums?
is that where all the write ups and how to’s are?

**** a 240
buy a skyline , i think i got one for sale , yup i do .

lol Im workin up money for a 240 and im not even there yet =D
how the hell am i gonna afford a skyline? =D

Yo B, trust me when i say the cost of a 240 will equal a skyline after 3 months.

Skyline’s from importers generally dont have many problems since Japan cars are low mileage and usually well maintained (since they’re screened by contacts in Japan) you’re better off importing a car from the states or japan. If you want a 240 that will run well, you gotta shell out the big bucks. Buying from reputable members on SON is one way to go. When i bought my s13, many said i overpaid. But after 11,000 km with only maintenance and shocks, people began to see i paid what the car was worth.

Welcome, and good luck!

Stack that cash!:smiley:

meh stay with 240’s skylines arent what everyone makes them out to be. i had mine and i liked my s14 way better… dont waste your money.

i like wide cars so maybe that was it. dont know i had mine for 6 months and sold it. i guess to each there own.
get the ride you want.

if you still cant view technical forum please send me a pm and i will fix it. thanx

Write ups and How To’s??? On TNC???
LMAO I’ve never laughed so hard. No offence, but you’re in the wrong place.
Read what most people said in your welcome post, and many other pages. This site is all bickering about random shit like how the world turns and our impending death. Geee, lets see now, which is better, a 240 or a Skyline??? That type of shit as well.

For Write-ups and how to’s, like you requested, go to http://forums.nicoclub.com/

Or, better yet, a site specific to the car you want has better write-ups like zilvia.net, 240sx.org (not a forum, but has good info and write-ups), I think even son240sx.ca/son240sx.org
Freshalloy also has some good 240 forums.

AND, you can also talk to a select few on these boards. Like DJPyro and Hanzzzzz have crazy knowledge. DYPyro has a 240 and knows the ins and outs.
Cal-Soy and Osad are starting to master the technical world of automobiles. Best yet, they both have or have had 240s, so they’re applying the knowledge to those cars first. They’re always learning and any info you tell them sticks like glue, so they’re ready to recite whatever they’ve learnt.

Good Luck

Ah needz to learn mez zum buks
