Write ups and How To’s??? On TNC???
LMAO I’ve never laughed so hard. No offence, but you’re in the wrong place.
Read what most people said in your welcome post, and many other pages. This site is all bickering about random shit like how the world turns and our impending death. Geee, lets see now, which is better, a 240 or a Skyline??? That type of shit as well.

For Write-ups and how to’s, like you requested, go to http://forums.nicoclub.com/

Or, better yet, a site specific to the car you want has better write-ups like zilvia.net, 240sx.org (not a forum, but has good info and write-ups), I think even son240sx.ca/son240sx.org
Freshalloy also has some good 240 forums.

AND, you can also talk to a select few on these boards. Like DJPyro and Hanzzzzz have crazy knowledge. DYPyro has a 240 and knows the ins and outs.
Cal-Soy and Osad are starting to master the technical world of automobiles. Best yet, they both have or have had 240s, so they’re applying the knowledge to those cars first. They’re always learning and any info you tell them sticks like glue, so they’re ready to recite whatever they’ve learnt.

Good Luck