hicas light comes on while on the highway

my hicas light comes on while driving on the highway every once and a while. normally after about a half hour or so of driving. could there be something wrong with the hicas pump or is this light supposed to come on?

Mine always did that after driving in pretty much a straight line for about 10 minutes. Then after its 44 dyno runs the hicas light now stays on so I got a locking bar and quit stressing about it. I did post the hicas test on here I will try and find the link for you. Although the test didnt work for me it might for you.


in your resiviour there is a filter. Take it out and clean it with a solvent. Sunds like its just a pinch low on fluid and its heating up a bit. The filter holds back circulation so cleaning it is sometimes the problem right there. But ya clean it and top the levle right up. Do this when the car is cold so your fluid isnt hot and frothy :stuck_out_tongue:

Check you fluid level.

Sounds like your a little low.

Yea Just fill up that Power stearing fluid

NOOOOOOOOOO… Do NOT listen to him

But some ATF dextron III. Look what is recomended in your owners book or what nissan says.

NOT P/S fluid.

P/S fluid will make your rack leak.

K I feel stupid. My power steering fluid was LOW (2 bottles low) and I am pretty sure that since I filled it my hicas light went off cause when I drove it friday I dont remember seeing the annoying red light in my eyes!! I cant check cause I have no maf or O2 sensor on my car to start it but I will as soon as I can. :lol:

Well i put power stearing fluid in, and did not have a problem