Hide and Seek with a Polar Bear

Nearly got you!

Where you hiding mr.?

I seez you!

Which wayz you going mr.?

Come here I just want cuddlez and nibblez you haz!

Polar Bear winz!

Dat pola bear did work on dat ni9

polar bear doing work

yetti doing work

I wrestled a bear once.

looks like fun

one one thousand

two one thousand

three one thousand


oh man. when will people learn to stay from anything whose name is _____BEAR

So i searched google for polar bear attacks…turns out the bottom pics is from another polar bear attack. That dude got FUCKED up. You can see through part of his leg, and it damn near ripped off his scalp

http://www.funnythreat.co.cc/photo/bear_attack.htm - MAY BE NSFW due to some gruesome shit

damn that sucks.^^^

oh man. when will people learn to stay from anything whose name is _____BEAR


Holy fuckin shit man… Owww


only if youre a female under 18.

lmao +rep wayne

that is absolutely disgusting :eek he got fucked up. wow i couldnt even imagine the pain he was in :ohnoes

Where the hell do you find polar bears that you can drive near?


well I thought theyre in Antarctica or some shit like that, not exactly the place youd find those old beater trucks.

northern alaska? antarctica? pjb’s animal orgy zoo?

Paul, those junky trucks have Alaska license plates… my guess is the moron got attacked by a polar bear somewhere in, or around the state of Alaska.