omfg shut up , i dont care about hidplanet buddy if there s a whole forum of guys as dedicated as u are to hid’s u need to bacdafucup and get a hole to stick your dick in

how clear do i have to be , i read what u posted , i didnt care , i felt like being a dick so i was , i felt like argueing so i did, and then i thanked u, cuz u were finally being informative instaed of sounding like a fucking 13 year that just discovered boobs “look at me i make shit fit into other shit”

and then u procedded to explain why u do what u do, with these retro fits , get thanked, yet u still have the insatible need too feel like u have proved something to someone that knows very little about hids , congrats

its like racing a 10 speed shwin with a corvette, what did u fucking think was gonna happen?