Well I went to the dentist the other day and the lady said I had high blood pressure. It was 136/96 at the time. I haven’t checked it again to see if it was high because I was nervous or if it is truly there all the time.
Any of you guys have HBP? If so what have you done to help lower it?
I work out semi-regularly and run sometimes. I don’t think I’m in that bad of shape lol. Just a little curious because the lady seemed to think it was decently bad. I looked it up and it isn’t horrible but I’ll have to keep an eye on it for a little at least.
That’s pretty high if you consider yourself young and in shape. However the dentist is probably not a good place to check it. If you’re worried get a blood pressure cuff and check it when you’ve been sitting on the couch at home for a while, not drinking alcohol.
Otherwise take a look at your diet. Is it generally mostly meat and veggies or stuff that comes in a box, bag, or wrapper with ingredients that you don’t either “pick” or “kill”?
Diet, exercise, and heredity are the main factors in in HBP. You should go for a fasting blood test to really get a good idea of where you’re at. Get a good check of your LDLs HDLs and triglycerides.
White coat syndome?
My BP is always sky high in the doctors offices. Because of this I was on BP meds prior but opted to stop taking them because I don’t believe the office readings reflect my normal rate.
Those numbers are high though…did they take several readings?
I should also mention I have genetic high triglycerides. 8/
Well last time I was at the dentist maybe 8 months ago she said it was high but didn’t mention what it was. She said it again this time so I asked. I really don’t eat fast food a lot, maybe once a month. I do love my steaks and veggies. I’m not super concerned because the dentist took my bp when I was in the chair leaned back with bib and safety glasses on lol. I was really stressing but I also don’t think it was my normal level. I’ll have my wife read it a couple times when I’m at home to see what it is. Just kind of curious because the lady was like OMG you like need to see your doctor!
At the hospital once (thought my appendix burst) they didn’t want to discharge me without taking BP med there AND taking their prescription. My numbers were about what you just mentioned.
Taken at home it’s a healty BP…so FUUUUUU on white coat syndrome.
I really need to go to the dentist. I haven’t been in years and figure it will be a long painful visit. What did you have done that they took your blood pressure?
You should ask your dentist when the last time they analyzed the variance of the equipment and operators.
My Dr.s office BP changes by 10-20 depending on who does the test.
(although, I’m usually bitching about coverage while I’m there and they want lots of useless fondling)
Last time I went to the dentist they checked it. I thought that was kind of weird.
I wound up in the ER about a year and a half back, thought I was having a stroke. I was dizzy, the side of my face was numb, then I had tingling in the arm on the same side. My BP was 180/92, in the past it had always been on the low side.
After a couple of of EKG’s, a cat scan, and a ton of other tests, to rule everything else out, it turns out I have sleep apnea. I started with the cpap machine and my BP has been back to normal ever since.
my dentist always told me I needed a root canal, always needed drilling, etc. etc.
i stopped going and have always brushed, used listerine and floride mouthwash, and watch my soda intake. after two years of not going i brush my teeth and it looks like i got punched in the mouth with all the blood so he may not be too far off.
Bleeding from brushing? That’s not a root canal. That’s a disgustingly bad case of gingivitis, probably moving into gum disease territory. Floss is your friend.